Monday, January 25, 2016

Mature Bald Eagle Warwick Castle Falconry Show Warwick UK

Another Bald eagle with the distinctive white feathers on it's head and tail of a mature bald eagle, was the third bird of prey at the Warwick Castle Falconry show in Warwick England. The falconer mentions that the white markings on the head and tail of this mature bald eagle are what people are what people think of when thinking of a bald eagle unlike the young bald eagle in the other video Young Bald Eagle Warwick Castle Falconry Show Warwick UK.  The falconer talks some more about bald eagles as he let this mature bald eagle soar around the grounds at Warwick Castle, over the castle and up to the top of one of the castle turrets and then back down over the crowd. Being so close to this majestic bald eagle and having it swoop overhead really was an incredible experience. 
Bald eagles are birds of prey that feed primarily on fish. Being fish eagles, a bald eagle is able to lift fish right out of a lake or a river, or the sea in full flight with their massive feet. Bald eagles can have a lifespan of unto 70 years.


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