Why Nikon: The Nikon F3 The First SLR I Ever Used
A Nikon was the first SLR camera I ever used. It was my brother's Nikon F3. The Nikon F3 was Nikons flagship professional 35 mm SLR.This was before the Nikon D4 or the Nikon D3, It was before Nikon made the D2x or the D2h or andy of Nikon D1 series. In fact it was before Nikon had anything digital. Nikon even had 3 flagship 35mm SLR bodies, the Nikon F4 and the Nikon F5 and the Nikon F6, after the F3, although they continued producing the F3 even after the F5 was released. So my brother lent me his Nikon gear for a week. The kit included his Nikon F3, a Nikkor 80-200 f4, a Nikkor 35mm f2, a Nikkor 20mm f2.8 and a 55mm f2.8 micro Nikkor. It was some great Nikon gear and I had no idea how to use it. So everyday for a week I shot with the F3. I practiced focusing the Nikkor Lenses, I played with the Nikon metering system, I adjusted apertures and set shutter speed. I loved every second of it and that Nikon F3 is a big part of why I used Nikon today.
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